June 2021 Psychiatric Times
My new cartoon recently posted to Psychiatric Times, the supersite of resources for all things head-brain-thinky-stuff. Head over there now to check it out!
My new cartoon recently posted to Psychiatric Times, the supersite of resources for all things head-brain-thinky-stuff. Head over there now to check it out!
My first November cartoon for Medical Economics has just posted, and it deals with those litigation-plagued patients who can make things difficult for a practicing physician to make it in today’s world of medicine. Check out Medical Economics for many great articles contributed by medical professionals across the country!
This month’s first installment just posted on Diagnostic Imaging, with a little joke about the many options available today for imaging to patients. A lot of cool technology but dealing with insurance companies is not cool and a real bummer for patients and medical staff.
This month’s first cartoon posted on Diagnostic Imaging, one of my regular clients and top news resource for radiology professionals worldwide.
This month’s cartoon has posted today at Psychiatric Times. Please give them a visit and and check it out. Very interesting articles and insights into all things psychology and psychiatry.
The first cartoon for this month’s Physicians Practice offering has just posted to their site. This one deals with the vague descriptions some patients may give their physicians about prescription drug side effects. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everybody:)
I hope everybody’s recovered from all that yummy turkey, stuffing, and all the other yummy stuff you probably ate on Turkey Day:) Got another cartoon in this month over at Physician’s Practice. Check it out here for the full view on their site. If you can’t access the cartoon on their site, I’ll be posting…