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August 2021 Saturday Evening Post
My latest cartoon published in the iconic Saturday Evening post came out recently for their July-August issue. Check out their site for other cartoons, articles and other cool stuff!

30th Anniversary
Today, September 20th 2019, marks the 30th anniversary of my career in professional cartooning. 30 years ago today (waaaay back in 1989!), my first paid cartoon panel was published in the Hagerstown Exponent weekly newspaper in Hagerstown Indiana. It’s hard to believe I’ve been at it this long, but sometimes it feels like I’ve barely…

Philosophy Now – Feb/Mar Cartoon
The new issue of Philosophy Now is currently out, which features my ‘You Are Infinitely Here‘ cartoon. PN is a great magazine, and I frequently read it cover to cover. Head over and check it out 🙂

Neurology Times – April Cartoon
Greetings all! My latest cartoon for Neurology Times has recently posted and you can see it here. Be sure to keep checking this space for other publication news in the world of Cartertoons:)

Feb 2021 Woman’s World
My latest cartoon for Woman’s World is out now in this week’s (Feb 22nd) issue, on newsstands everywhere;)

June 2021 Psychiatric Times
My new cartoon recently posted to Psychiatric Times, the supersite of resources for all things head-brain-thinky-stuff. Head over there now to check it out!