Feb 2021 Woman’s World
My latest cartoon for Woman’s World is out now in this week’s (Feb 22nd) issue, on newsstands everywhere;)

30th Anniversary
Today, September 20th 2019, marks the 30th anniversary of my career in professional cartooning. 30 years ago today (waaaay back in 1989!), my first paid

Reader’s Digest – July-August Issue
The new summer issue for Reader’s Digest is out on newsstands now and it features another one of my cartoons, in the Humor in Uniform
Reader’s Digest – Feb 2019 Issue
My 8th cartoon for Reader’s Digest has just been published in the latest issue – February 2019. Head over to the magazine online, or pick

Philosophy Now – Feb/Mar Cartoon
The new issue of Philosophy Now is currently out, which features my ‘You Are Infinitely Here‘ cartoon. PN is a great magazine, and I frequently

Neurology Times – April Cartoon
Greetings all! My latest cartoon for Neurology Times has recently posted and you can see it here. Be sure to keep checking this space for